Monday, June 11, 2012

I'm a Mormon

Most of my LDS readers know of the 'I'm A Mormon' campaign. I heard of it last summer and watched some of the videos and I found it rather touching to read and see the testimonies of fellow believers. In my YSA branch we were all encouraged to make our own Ad. Here's mine: I Am A Mormon

For my Non-LDS readers who haven't heard of this campaign, I would strongly encourage you to check these out. Even if you don't agree with our beliefs, I think you'll learn many things and feel inspired to look at your beliefs. It is an amazing opportunity to share your beliefs with others and it makes you grow as a disciple of Christ, no matter what religion you belong to. So, go ahead, give it a look. Feel free to post questions, comments and I'll get back to you as quickly as possible.

God be with you. Christ be with you.


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